
Hello! I'm Victor. I love to explore complex systems and hard-to-grasp ideas and explain them in a simple way. This website is a place to share my explanations with everyone.

I wrote the Python behind the scenes series, which is a dive into the internals of CPython, Python's interpreter.

Another project of mine is bestresourcestolearnx.com, where I share my favourite learning resources (books, articles, videos, courses, etc) on programming and other IT-related topics.

Here's my github.

You can contact me at victor@tenthousandmeters.com


I'm a product-minded software engineer. I find technical (and non-technical) solutions to business problems. My go-to tech stack is Python, but I'm open to pick up the right tool for the job.

I'm always open for opportunities. Drop me a message if you have something interesting to work/collaborate on.


You can help me cover hosting expenses by signing up on DigitalOcean with my referral link. You'll get $100 in credit, and I'll get $25. Another lucrative way to help is to buy a domain on Gandi.net.

If you want to support the blog directly, send some BTC to this address: bc1qzg9lnrn2vkytfcrqvzwkqxas6fcgpeg4tsk5lv

Thank you!
